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Tall Buildings
Glass Buildings
Glass Buildings

A Multi-Million Investment Enterprise


           Davies Capital Mission 

Davies Capital is a multi-family real estate investment enterprise. The mission of Davies Capital is to bring awareness on financial literacy, while empowering families with quality customer service and a safe environment for multi-family communities. Davies Capital’s specialties include investment properties, marketing, and many more. 

Happy Family


Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 12am - 6pm

Sunday: Closed

Apartment Building

Customer Service 

Quality customer service is the main ingredient in our recipe for success. Our goal is to provide our clients and business partners with genuine care, clear communication and an open environment for continuous feedback.


Multi-Family Investing

During our consultation, we will discuss the first steps to multi-family investing. You will provide an overview of why you want to invest. Based on the information you provide we will focus on "how to invest", resources that are available to you, and ways to get started. 

Group Planting a Tree
On the Phone

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